
Planning & Notification

ISL’s declaration and associated bylaws (Bylaw Articles 7.2 and 8.2) are very specific regarding construction in units by owners. ISL's construction rules, if fully understood and followed, will limit the potential problems that construction inevitably generates.

Key is contacting ISL on-site management of your intent to have construction performed in your unit. Early notification is highly recommended because on-site staff have extensive knowledge of the building and are aware of the many pitfalls that can result in expensive and time-delaying problems.

In addition to the summary information here, it is critical that any owner who is contemplating a construction project in their units read and understand the detailed information in the following documents: 

Construction in Units, an Owner's Guide

Contractor Guidelines

Plan Review

Construction plans are to be submitted to the Board via Management for review by its designated Architectural Committee. The Committee does not review plans for aesthetics, but does look out for potential problems with the building’s structure and utility systems. This review can prove beneficial since potential problems can be identified and addressed before time and money are committed. Allow adequate time for this process since review and approval rely on Board action. Routine projects are reviewed by the Committee as quickly as possible.

Download the Architectural Review Application

Codes, Permits and Inspections

New, “fixed improvements” subject to City permitting require confirmation of City permits obtained and copies of design drawings.

Sprinkler Systems

As the rules indicate, construction which marginalizes the capability of the building’s sprinkler system is a serious problem. WARNING: The City requires a full inspection of the building’s sprinkler system every 5 years, including inside all private units. Such inspections can reveal unapproved installations which will have to be corrected.


If utilized, contractors should be appropriately bonded and insured. When selected, the owner shall provide the ISL Board’s Architectural Committee with the name of the general and all subcontractors employed. Except in an emergency or to notify an offending party when a violation is observed, ISL representatives will not directly contact contractor personnel. Questions, issues, or problems will be brought directly to you, the owner, to address and correct.

As owner, you are fully responsible for supervising their activities and insuring that the general contractor and the sub-contractors that the supervise, follow the ISL rules. You, as owner are liable for any associated damage and/or rule violations.


Compliance with ISL’s bylaw requirements associated with construction is critical. Unauthorized and unapproved construction jeopardizes our building’s safety and insurance coverage. Violator’s risk liability and potential un-insured losses. Failure to comply will be subject to, in addition to the standard fine schedule for general rule violations, the following:

  • Fine of $250.00 for starting fixed improvement construction (work subject to City codes) without notification and approval of the Architectural Committee, plus

  • Reporting owner to the City of Portland Building Bureau if fixed improvement construction has been performed without City permit.