Resident Responsibilities
Building Care [BY Article 7.5 (b)]
A clean, well-maintained building is an asset to both owners and tenants.
Prevention: A problem not created is a problem that doesn’t require time and money to correct. Don’t make a mess and if you do, clean up after yourself. Follow instructions/rules when using common areas and systems.
Common Area Use: The use and operation of common areas and facilities shall not obstruct or otherwise prevent other authorized residents, clients, and guests from also accessing or using these facilities.
General Cleanliness: Owners/residents shall keep all common areas of the premises clean, sanitary, and free from any accumulations of debris, dirt, rubbish and garbage. See Recycling & Trash Disposal rules. It is considered “illegal dumping” to leave trash in common areas; if observed, report such activity to Management immediately.
Fire Safety: All residents should be especially alert to not cause, contribute to, or create fire hazards; in particular, do not store flammable or hazardous materials of any kind.
Responsibility: Each resident will be responsible for all damages to common areas caused by their negligence and/or that of his/her co-residents, guests, visitors, clients, or contractor personnel. [BY Article 7.3 (c)]
Noise Management [BY Article 7.5 (c)]
Noise is one of the most intrusive and potentially annoying elements of high-density living. Key factors include volume, vibration, transmission through the structure, time-of-day, location, and occurrence (How often? How incessant?)
Between Units: The following are requirements and guidelines:
- The volume of radios, televisions, amplifiers, and musical instruments should be monitored and should not exceed reasonable levels. It is important to recognize that the concrete structure of the building efficiently transmits sound over long distances. High volume, low frequency base frequencies are a particularly annoying example.
- Neighbors typically hear only the bass line and the result is a particularly repetitious pounding-like sound. It is recommended that speakers, bass units in particular, not be placed directly in contact with adjoining walls or concrete floors; place them on furniture and/or set them on some form of cushioning material to dampen the direct connection between the speaker and elements of the building’s structure.
- Hammering, drilling, etc. on or into the structure, radiators, and piping, travels widely throughout the building and should be limited.
- A specific noise perceived as inconsequential during the day, can be highly disruptive and annoying in the middle of the night. The hours from 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM (except where narrower restrictions are specified) should be considered a protected, noise-free period.
- Occasional social events are apt to generate above average levels of noise in the unit and, potentially, in the halls, lobby, roof deck, and even on the streets outside the building. Make it a policy to manage the noise associated with these events to minimize the impact on your immediate neighbors. Residents are responsible for the actions of their guests; politely make them aware of the situation and encourage their cooperation—particularly if and when the event extends late into the night.
Halls: Since doors to units do not provide the level of sound control of other elements of the structure, activities in the halls are potentially more disruptive to residents. Consequently, residents, their clients and guests should not conduct activities in hallways, stairwells, elevator lobbies or elevators in such a manner as to disturb others. Owners are responsible for children, including children of guests or clients.
Moving: Moving, including the use of the freight elevator, is also a noisy operation and, as such, is not permitted between the hours of 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM.
Trash Chute: Disposing of trash and use of the trash chute, another activity which creates noise to adjacent residents, is not permitted between the hours of 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM.
Outside: Ask your guests, cab drivers, etc. to use the Entraguard telephone at the main entrance when they are attempting to get your attention.
Construction: Construction is frequently a major noise generator and is to be restricted to the hours specified (See Appendix F).
City Noise: Addressing ISL resident complaints of noise emanating from the surrounding neighborhood, outside of ISL, IS NOT the responsibility of Management. Complaints associated with this type of noise should be directed to the City of Portland police—call the non-emergency number. The City also has a formal noise management office.
Pets [BY Article 7.5 (d)]
Weight Limit: “No animals or fowls shall be raised, kept or permitted within the condominium or any part thereof, except domestic dogs, cats, or other household pets kept within a unit and weighing not more than 15 pounds.”
Control in Common Areas: “No such dogs, cats or pets shall be permitted to run at large…” “…All dogs shall be carried or kept on a leash while outside a unit...” in all common areas within the building.
Cleanliness: Common areas of the building—including the roof—are not to be used for pets to relieve themselves. Dogs should be walked outside. Pet owners are reminded that Portland has a scoop law. Dispose of pet’s waste properly.
Trash Chute: Loose and dusty waste like cat litter causes the trash compactor to malfunction and run indefinitely. This type of trash must be securely bagged before depositing into the trash chute.
Animal Breeding: Animals shall not be “bred or raised for commercial purposes or in unreasonable numbers. …”
Noise Management: “No pet shall be permitted to cause or create a nuisance or unreasonable disturbance or noise.”
Damage: Damage of any nature, or physical harm to residents and guests caused by pets, are the financial responsibility and liability of the pet owner.
Removal: The Board can require the removal of any pet which the Boarddetermines is the cause of damage, increased common area maintenance costs, or is disturbing, inconveniencing, or menacing other residents. The Board may exercise this authority regardless of when the animal was obtained. The Board shall not be required to compensate any owner for any pet ordered removed. (Bylaw provision: “… A unit owner may be required to remove a pet upon receipt of the third notice in writing from Management of violations of any rule, regulation or restriction governing pets within the condominium.”)
Odors [BY Article 7.5 (c)]
Residents shall not engage in businesses or activities which create noxious or offensive odors beyond their units into adjoining units or in common areas.
Recycling & Trash Disposal [BY Article 7.5 (i)]
Trash/Garbage Disposal: Residents shall comply with the rules in Recycling & Trash Disposal.” Key among the rules: Do Not attempt to force large objects down the chute, especially any item which could expand or otherwise get wedged in the chute. Also, any items dropped down the chute shall be bagged to minimize dust and odors, and to prevent damage to the compactor at the bottom of the chute.
Large Objects: ISL is not responsible for removal of construction debris or large items such as old furniture, pallets, etc.
Recycling: Recycling containers are located on each floor in the freight elevator vestibules. It is important to follow posted rules for proper content and separation; failure to do so will jeopardize our hauling contract.
Owner Responsibility: Owners/tenants are responsible for the actions of their delivery people and/or construction contractor personnel and, therefore, should make it clear to them that they are responsible for removing any trash they bring or create. If they don't, the owner/resident assumes full responsibility. NOTE: Management is NOT responsible for, or available to, assist movers and provide access to the building or private units.
Passenger Elevator: The passenger elevator shall not be used for the delivery of large items (cannot be carried by hand) or large quantities of materials/products. Use the freight elevator, and use it in compliance with its use rules.
Active door-to-door or passive (distribution of handbills, flyers, etc.) solicitation within the building, by residents, guests, or outsiders is not permitted unless Board approval is requested and received.