Recycling & Trash Disposal

It is to every resident's benefit if these rules are observed. The trash chute will remain functional, odors will be contained, residents will not be disturbed, and common areas will remain presentable.

Trash Chute

1.      Hours of use:  Disposing trash down the chute is noisy. Please limit the disposal of garbage between the hours of 7:00 AM and 10:00 PM.

2.      Bag garbage/trash: Place all garbage/trash in bags (plastic or otherwise) and secure the package to prevent spillage. This is very important! If the trash/garbage is not contained when it reaches the compactor, damage, subsequent repair, and associated extra maintenance costs may result.

3.      Size restriction: Trash that is not securely bagged, or bags which are larger than the chute opening, should be taken to the first floor and placed directly into the trash compactor.

4.      Prohibited materials: Do not attempt to deposit cardboard boxes, large pieces of Styrofoam, large wads of plastic sheeting, bubble-wrap, or any other large or long item which could expand or wedge inside the chute. Doing so is likely to create a major clog as subsequent trash is added.

5.      Keep chute door closed: Do not prop open the access door to the trash chute. It is a fire door intended to help contain any fire which may occur in the chute (which could act as a very effective flue). The chute itself contains fire sprinklers.

6.      Report problems: If chute’s access doors fail to self-close, or if a blockage is detected, immediately report the situation to Management.

Trash Compactor

Residents are not permitted to operate the trash compactor. Please contact management if attention to the compactor is needed.


1.      Containers: Recycling containers are located in the compactor room and on each floor in the freight elevator vestibule. These are, of course, to be used ONLY for specified recycling materials. Lists are posted specifying appropriate, acceptable materials.

2.      Unacceptable materials: Unacceptable materials are noted on the posting. Specifically, Styrofoam IS NOT recyclable and should be taken directly to the compactor on the first floor! Plastic sheeting, plastic bags, and plastic clam-shell containers, plastic tubs and caps also ARE NOT recyclable.

3.      Cardboard: If cardboard boxes are small enough, simply flatten and dispose of them in the recycling containers in the freight elevator vestibules on each floor. Limited quantities of larger cardboard boxes, flattened, can be placed in the designated box located in each freight elevator vestibule. Large cardboard boxes, or large quantities of cardboard (such as amounts associated with moving) should be broken down – flattened – and taken directly to the cardboard recycling dumpster east of the building adjacent to the loading dock.

Prohibited Dumping

1.      Hazardous materials: Household "hazardous" materials (flammable liquids, such as gasoline and used oils, etc.) shall not be disposed of down the chute, placed directly into the garbage bin, left in the garbage room, or left in any common areas of the building. Proper environmentally safe, legal removal disposal of such products is the responsibility of the owner/resident. The nearest approved disposal site is the Metro Central Station at 6161 NW 61st St., Portland. A good web site for information is

2.      Other materials: Dumping unwanted articles and/or trash in any form (i.e., old furniture, tires, cardboard, construction debris) in any common area of ISL, including the compactor room, is unacceptable.

3.      Deliveries: Owners/residents are responsible for the actions of their delivery people and/or construction contractor personnel. Make it clear to them that they are responsible for removing any trash they bring or create. If they don't, the owner/resident assumes full responsibility.

Freight Elevator Vestibule

1.      The freight elevator vestibule, through which the trash chute room is accessed, is also a fire containment room--a code requirement. The double doors are fire doors and are designed to contain any fires which could travel up the freight elevator shaft. If you prop the fire doors open for moving, make sure they are allowed to close when you are through.

2.      Only recyclables are to be disposed of in the vestibule in the containers provided. DO NOT leave any garbage or trash in these areas.

You're consideration will be appreciated!